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Home > News > The murder of 18-month-old Shi-Anne Downer

The murder of 18-month-old Shi-Anne Downer

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Kandyce Downer to appear at Birmingham Magistrates Court charged with murder of 18-moth-old Shi-Anne Downer. Read more here.

The property in Beckbury Road in Weoley Castle, where Shi-Anne Downer was found with fatal injuries

To place Shi-Anne with Kandyce Downer, an extended family member, was an appalling decision by the courts. The special guardianship court order was the death of Shi-Anne which is quite ironic. A special guardianship order is for a child who cannot live with their birth parents, therefore they are settled in a legally secure placement. This was not the case for Shi-Anne, instead her special guardian has been charged with her murder. This law order has to be re-examined as the consequences and repercussions can be fatal. Before Shi-Anne was placed in Downer’s care, was there any information that may have triggered any suspicion of Downer’s behaviour towards Shi-Anne? Were there any home visits during Shi-Anne’s stay with Downer? The courts have failed Shi-Anne and the people who cared for her.

Our charity believe there are many factors and questions that need to be taken into consideration to prevent this happening in the future. Children should be first priority and be provided with close and on-going support. 



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