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  • #1679

    Raj Kaur

    What is depression?

    Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms.

    They range from lasting feelings of sadness and hopelessness, to losing interest in the things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful. Many people with depression also have symptoms of anxiety.

    What causes depression and what are the symptoms?

    There is no single cause of depression. You can develop it for different reasons and it has many different triggers. 

    Here are some symptoms:

    • continuous low mood or sadness
    • feeling hopeless and helpless
    • having low self-esteem
    • feeling tearful
    • moving or speaking more slowly than usual
    • change in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
    • constipation
    • unexplained aches and pains
    • not doing well at work
    • taking part in fewer social activities and avoiding contact with friends

    Are there any other reasons why depression can be triggered? 

    Have you experienced or witnessed depression within family and friends?


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