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Home > Our Events > Chelmsley Wood Festival 2015!

Chelmsley Wood Festival 2015!

Monday, August 10th, 2015

The KNBP team attended Chelmsley Wood Festival on 7th August, and it was great! The festival was very much family orientated, we had many people asking about the charity and what we do. Myself, Sam, Craig and Sharon set up the stall, it was very similar to the Shardfest layout!


Although it was not as busy, we did raise some money for the charity and gave out some of our leaflets and t-shirts. Many people wore our t-shirts and supported the chartiy. We took a picture of these cheeky two wearing our t-shirts:

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We had a great time and we would like to thank The Big Top for promoting our charity! They had a huge stage and introduced our charity to families who were watching their show. Craig was invited on the stage and got involved with the kids:

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You can watch the video on our Facebook and Twitter page:


It was a fun day out and it is always important for our charity to attend these events as we want to promote our charity to the public! We will be attending the Cannon Hill Park festival on 21.08.15. We hope to see you all there!

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