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Feeback – Child

Your Voice Matters – Children and Young People’s Voice

We value your opinions. Have you got something that you would like to say? Do you want to see something change? Has someone helped you through your experiences? We will use what you tell us to make our services better.
There are lots of ways you can have a voice in your life. Any adult working with you should listen to you and take your views into account. This doesn’t always mean doing exactly what you say but it does mean they should listen and try to help make a difference.

About you and your message

Please tell us your name

If you go to school, please tell us which one

Are you a boy or girl? (you don't have to tell us if you don't want to)


How old are you? (you don't have to tell us if you don't want to)

What do you want to say?
(This could be something you want to change, it could be something someone has done to help you, it could be something you are proud of. It is your voice, say what you want to say.)


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